Bach Flowers For Those Who have Fear

Image Reflecting Four Bach Flower Remedies  that can help alleviate Fear.

Bach Flowers For Those who have Fear

Although there are thousands of variations in physical illness the psychological causes are relatively few. The Bach Remedies recognise 38 conditions each specifically aligned to one of the states that generate ‘disease’ within the psyche. They are classified under 7 heading:

For Fear

For Uncertainty

For insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances

For Loneliness

For those Oversensitive to Influences and Ideas

For Despondency and Despair

For Over-care for the Welfare of Others

In this blog we will explain the Bach flower Remedies For Fear:

Rock Rose - Terrror

For emergencies, sudden illness or accident, for very great fear, terror , panic, hysteria, for despair of life, for the horror and dread of nightmares or when there is a close encounter with evil. 

Symptoms may include paralysis, unconsciousness, suddenly dumb/deaf, icy coldness, trembling, loss of control.

Mimulus -  Known Fears

Fear of worldly, physical things like animals, heights, pain, accidents water, the dark, of illness, death, being alone, of other people, stage fright, any specific fear of known origin but often undisclosed. 

Symptoms may include stuttering, blushing, sinus trouble(running nose/eyes), shallow breathing, marked sensitivity to noise, controversy and crowds,, nervous disposition, shyness.

AspenFear of Unknown Origin,

 For vague fears, unreasonable and inexplicable, sudden apprehension. Fear of the unknown or an unknown force that can’t be seen. Fear to sleep because something bad might happen. Fear of dreams. Fear about associations with death and religion which is usually kept secret.

Symptoms may include headaches, eyestrain, a haunted look, sweating, trembling, goosebumps, sudden faintness, sleep walking/talking, tired and nervy.

Red Chestnut - Over-concern for Others

For those who find it difficult not to be anxious for others, for those who anticipate trouble and worry for others and imagine the worst. For over concern about the troubles of the world, For fear that a small complaint of another will become a serious problem. For projecting and escalating anxiety to people around them.

Bach Flower Remedies for Unknown Fear, Bach flower remedy for Fear and anxiety, What is Bach Flower good for, Best Bach Flower remedies, Aspen for unknown fear, Bach Flower Aspen, Bach Flower Mimulus, Bach Flower Rock Rose, Bach Flower Cherry Plum, Bach Flower Red Chestnut, Bach Flower remedies for fear of unknown,

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