Homeopathic Natrum mur for Fertility
Homeopathic Natrum mur for Fertility
Natrum muriaticum, also known as common salt or Sodium chloride, is a homeopathic remedy commonly recommended as a "layer remedy.” It is one of the remedies commonly used in the Fertility Programme. This is due to the patient's sorrow related to frequent menstruation rather than the happiness of becoming pregnant.
Because of the distress of not being in control of their own bodies and struggling to get pregnant, women who face difficulty conceiving often find resonance with the remedy profile of Natrum muriaticum
Recommended Suggestions
Nat mur re-establishes the periodicity of the menstrual period and is one of the homeopathic remedies that can address Endometriosis.
The mind rubrics for Nat mur are:
Ailments for being abused sexually
Anorexia nervosa- weight loss interferes with ovulation
Ailments from disappointment -women suffer terribly each month from not falling pregnant
Dwells on disappointment-excessively focussing on not falling pregnant
Impatience after menses- angry after their period
Irritability before menses
Delusion that other people are criticising her for not falling pregnant.
Delusion that she is pitied on account of her misfortune and she wept
Delusion that everything is wrong and he cannot succeed
The physical rubrics for the female genitalia for Nat mur are:
Aversion to sex after grief
Dryness vagina
Itching aggravated during menstruation
Anger brings on menstruation
Menstruation delayed. This often occurs after taking the Oral Contraceptive Pill.
Menstruation has ceased after it returned
Menstruation suppressed
Pain during menstruation
Labour like pain extending to the thighs
Burning pain in the uterus before menstruation
For Luteal Phase defect- Ovulating late in the cycle on Day 18-24 then menstruating on Day 24-26.
The period of time in which to build progesterone is too short.(Nat mur, Sepia, Borax)
For pre-menstrual tension which indicates high progesterone, but low LH, low FSH and low oestrogen.(Nat mur, Pulsatilla, Sepia)
Natrum mur addresses the grief and distress of not falling pregnant.
Natrum mur regulates periodicity of the menstrual cycle
improves lubrication
increases sexual energy
improves menstrual pain
Improves PMT
Consultation with a Homeopath: The use of Natrum mur or any homeopathic remedy should be supervised by a qualified homeopath or healthcare practitioner experienced in homeopathy. A thorough consultation is typically conducted to assess the patient's symptoms, medical history, and overall health before recommending a specific homeopathic remedy.
A healthcare provider can help you with up-to-date and personalised guidance on the use of Natrum mur or any other homeopathic remedy within the context of the Vannier Technique or any other fertility program.It's important to note that the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies like Natrum mur can vary from person to person, and their use is based on the principles of individualisation and symptom similarity.
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