Homeopathy for Conjunctivitis and Blepharitis

Image of  an Inflamed Eye caused by Conjunctivitis and/or Blepharitis. 




    • Redness in the eyes with yellowish discharge

    • Inflammation of the conjunctiva (membrane covering the white of the eye)

    • Consider homeopathic medicines for a safe, natural cure

Causes of Conjunctivitis:

    • Infections (viral, bacterial)

    • Allergy

    • Chemical irritants

Symptoms of Conjunctivitis:

    • Redness, swelling, itching, and watering of eyes

    • Viral: Thin, watery discharge

    • Bacterial: Thick, mucopurulent discharge (yellow to green)

    • Highly contagious

    • Agglutinated, sticky eyelids from discharge

    • Gritty sensation in eyes

    • Increased sensitivity to light

    • Blurred vision

    • Allergic conjunctivitis may have accompanying sneezing and nasal discharge

Here is an organized and easy-to-understand presentation of frequently used homeopathic medicines for Conjunctivitis along with their respective symptoms and indications:

Frequently Used Homeopathic Medicines for Conjunctivitis:

1. Belladonna

  • Best for acute conjunctivitis.

  • Eyes are markedly red, dry, and swollen.

2. Euphrasia

  • Suitable for inflamed eyes with acrid (stinging) discharges.

  • Marked redness, burning, and itching in the eyes.

3. Pulsatilla

  • Indicated for green mucopurulent discharges from the eyes.

Homeopathic Medicines for Conjunctivitis with Marked Redness and Swelling:

1. Belladonna

  • Eyes are markedly swollen.

  • Eyes are red, dry, and congested.

  • Eyes glassy and pupils dilated

  • Photophobia may be present.

2. Euphrasia

  • Marked redness and swelling of the eyes with discharges.

  • Discharges are acrid, watery, and irritating, accompanied by intense itching.

Additional Remedy:

- Chloralum Hydratum

  • Symptoms include burning eyes and eyelids, blood-red and watery eyes, faint vision.

  • Symptoms worsen at night, after hot drinks, and after eating.

Homeopathic Medicines for Conjunctivitis with Watery Eye Discharge:

1. Euphrasia

  • Indicated for thin, watery eye discharge.

  • Itching, redness, and swelling in the eyes are marked.

  • Sensation of heat, swelling, and a gritty, sand-like feeling in the eyes.

2. Aconite

  • Suitable for thin, watery eye discharge.

  • sudden onset

  • red, inflamed, sore and hot

  • worse exposure to cold winds

Homeopathic Medicines for Conjunctivitis with Mucopurulent Discharges:

1. Calcarea Sulph

  • Thick, yellow-colored eye discharges.

  • Inflamed eyes with itching and burning.

2. Pulsatilla

  • Thick, green eye discharge.

  • Burning and itching in the eyes.

Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic Conjunctivitis:

1. Euphrasia

  • Effective for allergic conjunctivitis with acrid (stinging), burning, and itching eye discharges.

  • May have accompanying bland nasal discharge and sneezing.

2. Allium Cepa

  • Suitable for allergic conjunctivitis with bland eye discharges.

  • May be accompanied by marked sneezing and acrid nasal discharge.

Homeopathic Medicines for Conjunctivitis with Agglutination and Sticky Eyelids:

1. Borax

  • Effective for conjunctivitis with agglutinated and sticky eyelids.

  • Eyelids are loaded with dry exudation, causing them to stick together, especially worse in the morning.

2. Argentum Nitricum

  • Indicated for copious muco-purulent eye discharges with sticky eyelids.

  • Conjunctiva is markedly red and swollen.


  • Inflammation of the eyelid edges/margins where eyelashes grow.

Causes of Blepharitis:

  • Clogging of the oil glands at the base of eyelashes.

  • Allergic reactions.

  • Bacterial infection.

  • Staphylococcus (ulcerative) causes dry scales along the inflamed lid margins, often associated with dry eye syndrome.

  • Rosacea.

  • Eyelash mites.

Symptoms of Blepharitis:

  • Inflammation of the eyelids.

  • Redness.

  • Swelling of the eyelids.

  • Watering from eyes.

  • Itching of the eyelids.

  • Burning in the eyes.

  • Grittiness in the eyes.

  • Stinging sensation in the eyes.

  • Sticking of the eyelids.

  • Feeling like a foreign body in the eye.

  • Sensitivity to light.

  • Waxy or dry scales on the eyelid.

Here is an organised and easy-to-understand presentation of frequently used homeopathic medicines for Blepharitis along with their respective symptoms and indications:

Homeopathic Remedies for Blepharitis:

    • Homeopathy provides effective treatment for blepharitis. Common remedies include:

    • Euphrasia

    • Apis Mellifica

    • Graphites

    • Argentum Nitricum

    • Petroleum

    • Natrum Mur

    • Belladonna

    • Sulphur

    • Merc Sol


      • Redness and watering from eyes

      • Very red and swollen eyelids

      • Burning and biting sensation in the eyes with grittiness.

Apis Mellifica:

      • Stinging Sensation in the Eyes

      • Burning, scalding, smarting sensation in the eyes

      • Heavy, red, swollen, and possibly itchy eyelids

      • Irritation and soreness in the eyes

      • Sensitivity to light at times


      • Flakiness/crusting at the Base of Eyelashes

      • Marked dryness at the edges of lids with itching and a constant desire to rub the eyes

      • Highly inflamed eyelid margins that may stick together, worse at night

      • Profuse watering from the eyes

      • Smarting, burning, and biting sensation in the eye


          Argentum Nitricum:

      • Redness and Swelling of Eyelid Margins

      • Thick crusts on the lids with swelling

      • Crusts may cause sticking of eyelids in the morning

      • may have pus worse on waking

      • Sensitivity to light

      • Dryness and heat in the eyes

      • Complaints may improve in cold air and with cold applications


      • Dry and Itchy Eyelids

      • Need to frequently rub the eyelids

      • Dry and scurfy skin around the eyes

      • Burning and sticking in the eyes

      • Smarting sensation in the eyes


               Natrum Mur:

      • Prominent, Gritty (sand-like) sensation in the eyes, worse in the morning

      • Marked sensitivity to light

      • Smarting and burning sensation in the eyes

      • Burning sensation worsens in the evening

      • Eyes are red, watery, and feel sticky in the morning


      • Swollen and painful lids

      • Pressing pain in the eyes worsens on closing them

      • Eye movement and light may exacerbate pain

      • Sensitivity to light

      • Redness and itching in the eyes

      • Sensation of heat and burning in the eyes

      • Sensation of sand in the eye



      • Dry crusts in the lashes and falling of eyelashes

      • Inner surface of the lids is dry and inflamed

      • Burning and smarting sensation on the edges of lids with itching

      • Strong inclination to rub the eyes

      • Itching, biting sensation, and lachrymation (watering) of the eyes worsen in the evening


                   Merc Sol:

      • Burning sensation in the eyes

      • Profuse watering from the eyes

      • Red, swollen, and thick eyelids

      • May have scabs on the margins of the eyelids

      • Itching and dry heat are felt in the eyes



      • Sticking of eyelids worse in the morning and with exposure to cold

      • Smarting sensation in the eyelids worsens when closing the eyes

      • May have sensitivity to light (photophobia)

      • Throbbing, tearing, shooting, or stinging pain and sand-like sensation in the eyes

      • Watering of the eyes may be present and worsens in open air.

Natrum Carb:

      • Significant for blepharitis with photophobia (sensitivity to light)

      • Eyes may feel dry

      • Eyelids are swollen and may feel heavy

      • Eyelids may stick together.


I have provided you with descriptions of a few remedies, but it's important to note that there are numerous others available. Take your time to review the remedies attentively and select the one that closely matches your specific set of symptoms. If you find it challenging to determine the best fit, don't hesitate to seek assistance as I am a qualified practitioner.

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.



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