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  • Sally

    “She showed me true interest in my condition, dedicated her time to understand and assess my best treatment option and furthermore, in three days my condition has greatly improved!!!”

  • Janet

    "Thank you for seeing me a week ago. I can't thank you enough for the change that has taken place this week. I have had 2 nights with 8 hours straight uninterrupted sleep! The other nights were between 6-7 hours and I've been waking up fully refreshed.

    My concentration has improved greatly as a consequence and I'm enjoying learning again.

    My energy levels are right up and I feel like my old easy-going happy self - so different from the forlorn figure who was sitting in your office last week!"

  • Talia

    "I have been seeing Rhonda Campbell sporadically for almost 4 years and have found her to be caring, insightful and highly skilled in all areas of health and wellbeing. After many years of terrible period pain, I am now pain free, thanks to Rhonda and her magic herbs and supplements. I was also diagnosed with a thyroid disorder and advised to take synthetic medication for the rest of my life which I refused to do, and now with Rhonda'a help, my thyroid is back to normal balance. I am fitter, stronger, healthier and much more aware of my ability to heal and care for myself under the guidance of Rhonda. Thank you for helping me become a better person. Love and healing."

  • Barbara

    "My initial consultation with Rhonda was for PCOS. Her herbal formulation was highly effective in balancing my hormone levels and deal with it in a natural way. Rhondas ability to seek in-depth information about the health problems and to understand ones health needs holistically is very rare to find. In the following months after seeing Rhonda, I had suffered other health problems such as Reflux and High cholesterol.

    With Rhonda’s treatment and recommended natural supplements, my bad cholesterol levels reduced from 6 to 3 in only 3 months. Her expertise lies in her knowledge of homeopathy, herbs and health supplements. Rhonda is kind, gentle and positive in her approach and is supportive through the healing process. I am fortunate to know Rhonda for my ongoing health needs. Its given me confidence to maintain a healthy mental and physical wellbeing. "

  • Long Covid Testimonial

    My family used to see Rhonda 30 years ago and my mother always swore that she could fix anything

    So when I found myself unable to pull myself out of post viral fatigue after 3 rounds of covid last year I tracked down Rhonda and asked for her help.

    With some gentle lifestyle strategies and the power of well chosen homeopathic remedies, my health turned around within weeks, weeks! I had been battling and seeing other health professionals for 10 months.

    I have once again been reminded of the impact good homeopathic care can have, shifting physical and emotional symptoms to regain wellbeing.

    Thanks Rhonda, its been so wonderful to work with you again.

  • Alison Frank

    "When I first saw Rhonda Campbell I had suffered from candida on and off for over a decade. I had previously sought help from other practitioners but found their help was limited. Once I had to follow an extremely strict diet for about 11 months, which worked but only temporarily.

    Before seeing Rhonda I had a severe bout of thrush which did not respond to any of the usual natural remedies that I use. So as a last resort I tried a common treatment from the chemist, but this only partially helped and my symptoms continued for weeks afterward.

    Within 5 days of seeing Rhonda my symptoms were 90% better and had disappeared completely within 2-3 weeks.

    I have also suffered from depression(very severe at times) for about the last 15 years, but over the time I have been seeing Rhonda I have noticed a steady improvement.

    Rhonda is very friendly, understanding, non-judgemental and easy to talk to. I highly recommend her, especially for people with chronic health problems, in particular candida, emotional problems and skin disorders."

  • Holly

    My baby had eczema after I started her on baby formula. Her face was red and chapped and she had cracks on her ankles and feet. I was using cortisone on her skin. She later developed a panting asthmatic rattling cough, conjunctivitis and her thumb was red raw from sucking it. Rhonda gave her Ant tart and her symptoms improved. Her eczema flared up again but then got better, Two months later she has no symptoms and is happy, friendly and sociable.

  • Freida

    I had change of life symptoms, psoriasis , constipation and occasional hot flushes. I got better on Thuja and the Sepia and my psoriasis went away.

  • Caroline

    I first saw Rhonda when I had conjunctivitis and pharyngitis which got better on Pulsatilla. Later I consulted with Rhonda with hot flushes and a constrictive pain in my arms. I had flaky skin around my nose which went red on occasions. I got better on Phosphorous.

  • Amee

    Thanks for the treatment which cured my 5 year old son’s skin condition, Mollluscum.

  • Wendy

    I was infertile since my first child who was 16 years old. After 5 months treatment with herbs homeopathy, my sciatica went away, I felt happy and I was pregnant. I had a healthy baby boy.

  • Susan

    I had severe pain after breastfeeding. One week after homeopathic Sepia the pain had gone.

  • Rebecca

    I saw Rhonda and I was suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and sleeplessness. I was afraid to drive across a bridge. I had chronic thrush and a white burning discharge for many years. After taking the remedies the thrush got better 70% in 1 month and better in 3 months. My anxiety has greatly improved and I have started a new job.

There are so many natural remedies to help you enjoy life to the fullest with good health and longevity.