Thuja used in the Fertility Programme
Image of the Thuja occidentals tree which can hue used in the Fertility Programme.
Thuja is one of the Remedies used in the Fertility Programme,
Thuja is selected based on an individual's miasmic background, especially suited for addressing symptoms of hormonal suppression such as:
Repeated miscarriages
Acrid (non-slimy) mucous
Suppressed menses or irregular menstrual cycles
Very light periods
Thuja is a remedy used in the fertility program. Thuja is also utilised in addressing common cases of the wart virus. Warts associated with Thuja often display traits indicating discomfort with touch or a desire to hide during social interactions.
The central disturbance in Thuja is characterised by sensations of fragility, as if the body is weightless, delicate, dissolved, or fragile. These feelings can be derived from the woman’s unrealistic delusions.
Fear of physical deterioration and a perception that the body is in jeopardy define Thuja's psychological profile, making it pertinent for women undergoing or contemplating IVF procedures.
Consider Thuja as a gentle option for women who may struggle to accurately assess their fertility age and hold onto unrealistic hopes of conception. Their unwavering faith in their ability to conceive comes from deep within their subconscious.
Some more symptoms for Thuja:
Miscarriage second or third month
Repeated miscarriages
Aversion to sex
Warts uterus
Dryness vagina
Vaginal discharge acrid, excoriating or milky
Menses absent
Menses heavy and short duration
Menses one week early
Menses extended
Burning pain ovaries generally and /or after sex
Sensitive Vagina
Ailments from sexual excess
Anorexia nervosa
Disgust of own body
Body lighter than air
Body looks ugly
Thinks she is pregnant
If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.
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