Gelsemium- Remedy Spotlight (Homeopathic) for Baby and Toddler

Image Reflecting a nervous hysterical anxious baby -Homeopathic Gelsemium can help.

Gelsemium- Homeopathic remedy Spotlight for a nervous hysterical and anxious baby or toddler

  • Nervous hysterical temperament, Anxiety from anticipation

  • Tremors and twitches in eyelids and extremities

  • Quivering chin during convulsions

  • Teething in children who seem frightened

  • Fear falling and desire to cling(like Pulsatilla) to everyone in fear, anger, excitement and anger

  • Remitting fever that gradually develops to a congestive condition

  • Sudden loss of hearing in ear congestion

  • Flue like symptoms with chills, sore throat and dry, croupy or spasmodic cough.

  • Heavy eyelids and drowsiness

  • Weakness

  • Diarrhoea from anxiety

  • Aggravated by damp weather and thunderstorm, exciting or bad news,

  • Ameliorated by profuse urination and sweating

    If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.


A whole new world unfolds when we understand Homeopathy and Herbs”


Stramonium- Remedy Spotlight (Homeopathic) for Baby and Toddler.


Testimonial for Baby’s Eczema and Panting Cough using Homeopathy