Ledum for Puncture Wounds and Stings

Image reflecting an insect biting the skin. Ledum is a Homeopathic remedy used for puncture wounds and stings.

Ledum Palustre (Led.) is a Homeopathic Remedy for Puncture Wounds and Stings,

For Insect bites, mosquito bites, bee stings, wasp stings

Bites, nail, thorn, pin, needle, nail and splinter penetration, cuts to hands and feet which are relieved by cold compresses and worsened by warmth.

The affected area swells, feels cold to touch, and is mottled or bluish.

Septic states of wounds with swelling, mottling and coldness.

Joint pains and Gout relieved by cold applications and worse for warmth and movement.

Rheumatism or pain starts in the small joints of the lower limbs and moves upwards.

Itching of feet and ankles.

Black eye – pain in eyeball relieved by cold compresses.

Prolonged skin discolouration after injection, vaccinations or some injury

Those needing Ledum often dislike company and want to be alone.

Droopy eyelids (ptosis) after an injury

Sprained ankles.

Crusty eruptions around mouth and nose with itching, burning and smarting

Worse for:  heat of bed, warmth, evening, night, joint movement and injury

Better for:  ice water application and cold bathing

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.




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