Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur)- Remedy Spotlight (Homeopathic) for Baby and Toddler.

Image reflecting an image of the sea and the Homeopathic Remedy- Natrum mur(Salt) .

Remedy Spotlight for:

The symptoms of a person or child needing Natrum mur is:

Child irritable-gets into a passion about trifles -

Children-slow in learning to walk

Ailments from grief and fright

Hay-fever, headaches, cold sores,

headaches, sleeplessness, grief ,back pain,


Thin but eats well

Desires salt, averse to fat.

Can feel better by the sea

Headaches-sees zig zags before a throbbing


Tongue mapped with red insular patches

Hangnails skin around nails-dry and cracked

The Natrum in Nat mur is about feeling alone, sensitive, closed, restricted, denial and holding on to sadness.

The Muriaticum in Nat mur is about self pity, care nurturing from the mother and wanting or lack of attention.

Here is a poem about Nat mur from the Song of Symptoms:

Barnacle Bill was a testy old salt

Who didn't like fat, but who thrived upon salt,

Though he wasn't quite as well as he seemed to be, He concealed it as he didn't like sympathy;

And he had a splitting headache, but he didn't like to whine, And he frequently averred he had a passion for the Brine.

You could always pick out Billy from others on the ship

By the fissured crack amidships which adorned his lower lip.

His symptoms were quite regular, the night ones and the dailies They kept their time like clockwork and he'd Herpes Labialis, And although he felt so cold, especially his knees,

If the truth were to be told, he felt better in the breeze.

Now although this doughty sailor gave to salt his benedietion, It wasn't really good for him, which seems a contradiction.

But if you read his symptoms right, this truth achieves some

That salt is only curative, administered in poteney.

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