Appetite in Babies and Toddlers Improve with Homeopathy

Toddler with  Good Appetite

Image of a Young Toddler with a Healthy Appetite.


Appetite is an essential part of a child's growth and development. A lack of appetite could lead to malnutrition, and this is where homeopathy comes into play. Homeopathy is a safe, natural therapy that has been used for centuries to treat various ailments in children, including improving their appetite. In this article, we will explore how homeopathy can help improve the appetite of babies and toddlers by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes.

The remedies  are extremely gentle and do not pose any risk of side effects.

Do not forget the constitutional remedy that can be prescribed by a homeopath, but in the mean time a touch of the correct intermediate remedy can help the child.

Recommended Suggestions

The most common homeopathic remedies for improving appetite in babies and toddlers are:

Calcarea Carbonica: This remedy is made from crushed oyster shells and is useful for children who are slow to develop and have a poor appetite. It is particularly indicated for chubby, sweaty babies who seem to be constantly hungry but never satisfied.

Natrum Phosphoricum: This remedy is made from phosphate of soda and is indicated for babies who experience digestive problems like acid reflux, gas, and bloating. It helps to improve digestion and appetite.

Silicea: This remedy is made from silica, which is a mineral found in the earth's crust. It helps to boost the immune system and is useful for babies who are weak, thin, and lack appetite.

Lycopodium: This remedy is made from clubmoss and is useful for children who experience digestive problems like constipation, gas, and bloating. It helps to improve digestion and appetite.

Alfalfa: This perennial plant is famous for its medicinal properties in the homoeopathic world. This tried and tested remedy improves appetite, nourishes the body, and improves digestion, thus leading to weight gain. It is useful for children who are thin and weak. It helps to improve appetite and promote weight gain.

Papaya vulgaris (Carica Papaya): Papaya is made from the milky juice of the green fruit of the pawpaw and helps when your child’s appetite is diminished and they are very thirsty for water. The can become faint when hungry but food feels uncomfortable in their stomach after eating. Your child is pale and weak.

Chelidonium: Chelidonium helps when your child is pale and weak with no hunger, yellow eyes, coated tongue and pale stool.. They could have dark vomiting with a sensitive liver area.

Ferrum met: Ferrum met helps when your child has no hunger at all and is pale, and anaemic.

Pulsatilla: Pulsatilla helps when your child is not hungry and has intolerance to fatty food and does not have much thirst. Your child could also be clingy.

Natrum Mur: This common salt naturally found in the sea is an excellent homoeopathic remedy. Natrum Mur helps when there is late bonding between the mother and the baby, and there is a delay in growth and weight gain. Natrum Mur plays a vital role in weight gain when your child is hungry but loses muscle , has an unquenchable thirst,  is worse in a warm room and better for the open air and cold bathing.  This remedy is good when the child has constipation, weakness, and loss of appetite with weight loss.

Avena: Avena helps when there is insomnia, exhaustion and lack of appetite.

Schuessler Cell Salts Can also Improve your child’s appetite

When vital mineral salts are re-established, your child’s appetite will improve.

Schuessler cell salts are not homeopathic remedies, although they are diluted in such a way to help with the absorption and microdosing of minerals into the cells. See:

Try this combination to improve your Child’s appetite:

Healthy Appetite Combination

Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Nat Phos, Silica

These cell salts help with loss of appetite and when children are fussy eaters and have aversions to certain foods.

They improve oxygenation of the cells, assimilation of foods, improve nutrition and boost immunity. They also assist when there is vomiting and reflux associated with certain foods.


In conclusion, homeopathy is a safe and effective way to improve the appetite of your baby or toddler.. It offers a natural alternative for parents. By addressing the root cause, homeopathy can restore the healthy appetite of your child, ensuring proper growth and development. If you need help selecting a remedy, it is recommended to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner to make a personalised treatment plan for your baby or toddler. With the right treatment plan, your baby or toddler can enjoy food and achieve good health, thanks to the healing power of homeopathy.

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.


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