Schuessler Cell Salt Combinations for Calming, Cough, Appetite, Skin, Pain and fever and Strong Teeth and Bones
Image reflecting Schuessler Cell Salt Combinations
The simple logic of Dr Schuessler’s theory is:
1) that the human body contains 12 vital mineral (tissue) salts and a proper balances is necessary for good health.
2) If the balance is disturbed an abnormal condition leading to disease follows.
3) These vital mineral salts can be re-established by administering the deficient mineral salts in a homoeopathically prepared micro dose which eventually passes into our cells.
Recommended Suggestions
Below is a list of Combination cell salts for different conditions:
1)Calming Cell salts
Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Ferr Phos, Nat Mur
Supports and Strengthens a sensitive nervous system.
Helps with nervousness, anxiety, worry, irritability and poor sleep patterns. Also for nerve pain, muscle tension and pain.
2) Cough and Cold Relief
Kali Mur, Kali Suph, Ferr Phos, Nat Mur
For the upper respiratory system during the 1st and 2nd stages of infection. For enlarged tonsils, sore, inflamed, ulcerated throat and loss of voice.
Used for acute and spasmodic cough, bronchitis and chest troubles.
Helps with watery discharge from nasal passages and dry mucous membranes.
Helps in breathing difficulties and loss of taste and smell.
Also useful in the 2nd stage of illness where expectoration/mucous has become yellow and slimy with rattling in the chest.
3) Healthy Appetite
Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Nat Phos, Silica
For loss of appetite and fussy eaters who have aversions to certain foods.
Improves oxygenation of cells and assimilation of foods, improves nutrition and boosts immunity. Assists in vomiting and reflux associated with certain foods.
4)Healthy Skin
Calc Fluor, Nat Mur, Nat phos, Nat sulph and Silica
Assists with scar tissue, cuts, dry/crusty eruptions. Burning, itchy, blotchy or inflamed skin, hives, abscesses, boils and pimples.
Improves function of the liver and later stages of digestion, and is useful for itchy skin resulting from a rich diet in fatty/greasy foods.
5)To Ease Pain and Fever
Ferr phos, Mag phos, and Nat Mur
First aid combination for pain , Inflammation, fever and quickened pulse.
Helps with cramps, spasm and neuralgic pain.
Help maintain moisture in the body during fever associated with pain.
Helps oxygenation of cells to overcome congestion.
6) Strong Teeth and Bones
Calc phos, Calc fluor,, Mag phos and Silica
Helps to improve strong enamel of teeth and improve solidity of bones.
For quick pain relief of teething and bone development and building strong connective tissue.
The tissue salts are important because even though there are many factors involved in the cause of disease, functional disturbance is primarily traceable to alteration of the tissue salt balance, regardless of the condition which has caused that imbalance.
For example, when there is normal balance, the local conditions in the body make it impossible for bacterial growth and therefore a state of immunity is said to exist. If the balance is upset, metabolism is impaired and favourable conditions are created in the body for bacterial growth.
These vital cell foods are in complete harmony with the workings of the cell structure within the body. They are safe and can be taken at all times, even during pregnancy with excellent results. They are ideal for babies , toddlers and children’s ailments.
Some improvement should be noticed in the first few weeks of treatment provided the correct cell salts have been selected and they have been taken 4 x daily. Sometimes there can be a slight aggravation of symptoms (often evidence that the correct remedy has been chosen). In this case the dose and frequency of the dose would be reduced until the aggravation passes.
If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.
“A whole new world unfolds when we understand Schuessler Cell Salts Homeopathy and Herbs.”