Homeopathic remedies for Molluscum Contagiosa or water warts

Image Reflecting a toddler with Molluscum contagiosum.

Homeopathic remedies for Molluscum Contagiosa or water warts


Homeopathic remedies for Molluscum Contagiosa  are  selected based on a detailed study and analysis of symptoms for each case.

Molluscum contagiosum, also known as water warts, is a virus-induced skin infection that results in small, raised pink bumps with a central dimple that can be sore or itchy. Although these lesions can develop anywhere on the body, they are most commonly found on the arms, legs, abdomen, neck, genital area, and face. The molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) spreads through direct contact or contaminated objects, and individuals with immunodeficiency or atopic dermatitis have an increased risk of infection. Diagnosis is typically made based on the appearance of the bumps, and they generally resolve within one year without leaving scars.

Below is a list of remedies that can help Molluscum Contagiosum.

The most prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for treating molluscum contagiosum are Merc Sol, Natrum Mur, Silicea, Sulphur, Kali Iodatum and Thuja Occidentalis.

Repertory Listing

MurphyIII - C; Clinical; molluscum, contagiosum(13) : 2 brom., bry., 2 calc-ar., calc., kali-i., lyc., merc-s., merc., 2 nat-m., 2 sil., sulph., teucr., 2 thuj.

Recommended Suggestions

(1) Silicea

  • Can have eruptions with offensive pus

  • Itching occurs only during daytime and evening

  • Glandular swellings in children with large heads, open fontanelles, and distended abdomen

  • Patient feels chilly and wants plenty warm clothing

(2)    Thuja

  • It is indicated for wart-like eruptions, especially in the anogenital region

  • Perspiration is sweetish and strong.

  • The skin is painfully sensitive

  • Eruptions only occur on covered parts of the body and are worse after scratching

  • It is a left-sided and chilly medicine

  • It is often prescribed for individuals who have emotional sensitiveness and fixed ideas

(3)   Tuberculinum 

  • Has a good role  if given in between remedies.

  • When the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve

(4) Calcarea-ars

  • Eczema of face and scalp.

  • Coldness of head.

  • Pale, sickly, bloated face.

(5) Calcarea carb

  • Unhealthy skin, readily ulcerating; flaccid.

  • Small wounds do not heal readily.

  • Glands swollen.

  • Nettle rash; better in cold air.

  • Warts on face and hands. 

  • Petechial eruptions.

  • Chilblains.

  • Boils.

(6) Kali-iod

  • Purple spots; worse on legs. Acne, Small boils. 

  • Glands enlarged, hardened.

  • Hives. 

  • Rough nodules all over, worse any covering; heat of body intense.

  • Fissured anus of infants.

  • Tendency to oedematous swellings, eyelids, mouth, uvula, etc. Acne rosacea.

(9) Merc-sol

  • prescribed when the eruptions bleed on being scratched and leave behind reddish brown spots when they disappear

(10) Antimonium Crudum

  • Large, fluid-filled bumps that are painful and itchy.

  • Eruptions can have thick hard scabs.

  • Children cannot bear to be touched or looked at.

(11) Sulphur

  • The great characteristic of this remedy is the aggravation from washing.

  • Scratching, makes the parts burn intensely.

  • The skin is rough, coarse and measly, and there is soreness in the folds of the skin.

  • Tendency to pustular eruptions.

  • Dryness and heat of scalp, with intense itching, especially at night, and scratching causes soreness.

  • wetting makes it burn. 

(12) Natrum Mur

  • Treats symptoms related to poor and damaged skin conditions and complaints such as warts, pimples, boils,

  • Molluscum contagiosum, and excessive oiliness.

  • Children like their own company.

(13) Kali muriaticum

  •  One of the most satisfactory remedies in the treatment of eczema capitis and moist eczemas especially when chronic and obstinate in character. This observation has been repeatedly verified.

(14) Kali bromatum

  • Face flushed

  • Acne of face, pustules.

  • Loss of memory, melancholia, anesthesia of the mucous membranes.

  • Suicidal mania with tremors.

  • Itching of skin worse on chest, shoulders, and face.

(15) Nitric Acid

  • This remedy may be useful for molluscum contagiosum that appears on the genitals or anus.

  • Headstrong.

(16) Malandrinum

  • This remedy may help diminish the size and number of molluscum contagiosum bumps

  • Unhealthy skin. Ill effects of vaccination.

Other remedies found to be successful:

Bowel Nosode Morgan Pure

  • papo-pustular eruptions on the face and arms.

  • Differential diagnosis to Tuberculinum and Sulphur.

  • Eruptions around the matin of the hair.

Bowel nosode Gaertner bach

  • Used successfully on puny hypersensitive children often with blonde hair and red spots

Crocodile 200

  • cured molluscum in a child who loved black, was scared to be alone, had a violent anger and she dreamt of crocodiles.

Schuessler cell salts

Look at my blog on combination cell salts for Healthy skin:


But add Kali Mur


Have a look at the remedies and if you have trouble selecting the right one , a Homeopath can help you with a detailed  consultation.

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.

Here is a quick link to make a booking on my website https://rhondacampbellhomeopathy.as.me/?appointmentType=42503593

Consulting a professional Homeopath can help select the most appropriate Homeopathic medicine.


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