Testimonial for Baby’s Eczema and Panting Cough using Homeopathy

Image Reflecting a calm baby after Homeopathic treatment for the Baby’s Eczema and Panting Cough.

Testimonial for a Baby with Eczema and a Panting Cough

My baby had eczema after I started her on baby formula.

Her face was red and chapped and she had cracks on her ankles and feet. I was using cortisone on her skin. She later developed a panting asthmatic rattling cough, conjunctivitis and her thumb was red raw from sucking it.

The best remedy was Ant tart and her symptoms improved.

Her eczema flared up again but then got better, Two months later she has no symptoms and is happy, friendly and sociable.

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.




A whole new world unfolds when we understand Homeopathy and Herbs”


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