Nightmares improve with Homeopathy in Babies and Toddlers
Image reflecting Homeopathy for Nightmares in Babies and Toddlers
Homeopathy really stands out, as it offers one of the very few effective treatments for night terrors.
Nightmares in babies and toddlers are quite common, and they can disrupt sleep patterns leading to tiredness and irritability during the day. While the cause of nightmares can be difficult to determine, homeopathy has remedies that can help soothe and calm restless fearful children.
Below are just some examples of a host of homeopathic remedies that may help to quickly resolve night terrors, nightmares, or other sleep disorders in both children and adults, regardless of the underlying cause or trigger.
Recommended Suggestions
Below are some remedies that can help alleviate nightmares in babies and toddlers.
1)Chamomilla - This remedy is for babies and toddlers who are very cranky and irritable, where nothing seems to calm them down. Your child could be screaming or crying uncontrollably, with their mood worsening at night. Chamomilla is also recommended if they have colic or teething pain, as it has a calming effect that could help soothe them back to sleep after a nightmare.
2) Aconitum napellus - This remedy is for your child if they wake up screaming or terrified, as if they have been frightened by something. They could be sweating, breathless and seem restless. Aconitum napellus can have fear of the dark, loud sounds, or thunderstorms. The remedy has a calming effect, helping your child return to sleep peacefully without fear of being startled again.
3) Ignatia - Ignatia is a remedy for your child if they are grieving or have experienced a traumatic event, leading to nightmares. They could be inconsolable, crying uncontrollably, and have difficulty sleeping at night. Ignatia is suggested for children who have lost a family member, a pet, or have experienced a relationship break up. The remedy helps provide a sense of calm and comfort to your child.
4) Stramonium - This remedy is for babies who wake up suddenly with a cry, as if frightened by invisible things. They may be afraid of the dark and avoid falling asleep.
Toddlers may wake up screaming and covered in sweat. They may have terrifying dreams of monsters, ghosts, and snakes. They may become fearful of going to sleep and refuse to be alone in the dark.
Your child may become aggressive and violent, cannot bear solitude and darkness, they may see ghosts and hear voices. Their dreams may be filled with images of demons, snakes, and animals. They are extremely afraid even though they know they are not real. These are children who always want the light on and the presence of someone else in the room until they fall asleep. Stramonium is often particularly effective for those who have witnessed or experienced violence and are incapable of forgetting it (post-traumatic stress disorder).
5) Belladonna - Dreams may be described as anxious, terrible, frightful and vivid. They may sees frightful visions and experience jerking in the limbs.
Babies may toss and turn in their sleep , with a flushed face and sweaty forehead. They may wake up suddenly, screaming as they dreamt of animals or monsters. They may also rock themselves to sleep, as they are afraid to close their eyes.
Toddlers may have nightmares of being attacked by animals or monsters, fires , robbers, assassins. They may try to run away in their sleep and cling to their parents when they wake up. They may also fear the dark and refuse to sleep alone.
6) Hyoscamus - This remedy is indicated when infants have restless sleep, with sudden jerks and twitches. They may wake up crying, with a fear of something threatening them. They may have dreams of being robbed, being attacked by strangers, being chased or being threatened by animals.They may also experience night terrors, where they appear frightened and agitated but do not wake up fully.
7)Calcarea carbonica - Is a wonderful remedy for children who experience multiple fears and anxieties.This often leads them to having poor sleep patterns and nightmares or night terrors. Visions of fire, rats and mice. They may have visions of somebody else in the room. They jump at every noise, Dreams of the dead and of monsters.
8) Pulsatilla - Pulsatilla children are quite sensitive and can easily be influenced by what they view on TV or any other media. If impacted strongly, they may experience nightmares and feel as though there's someone or something else in their bed, such as creatures or animals.
When you envision a child who is clingy, sad, and seeking comfort and reassurance, this is precisely the sort of behaviour that Pulsatilla aims to address. Regardless of the specific illness, if a child exhibits signs of neediness, sorrowful eyes, pitiful crying, and improvement upon being held and reassured, Pulsatilla is usually a reliable remedy.
As homeopathy addresses the complete individual, dreams serve as a significant and frequently valuable diagnostic tool, particularly when considered alongside the entirety of the symptoms. Here, you'll find a few instances illustrating the dreams observed in children and their correlation with various homeopathic remedies:
I remember my son spoke in latin when he had a fever. He was about 5 years old!
Calc Carb: Dreams of the dead and monsters:
Stramonium: Dreams of tunnels and closed places, night terrors, talks in other languages, violent talk in their sleep:
Paeonia: Dreams or nightmare of ghosts sitting in their chest, worse for bad news.
Phosphorous: Vivid dreams of fire
Cina: Screams and talks in sleep. Grinds teeth.
Lyssinum: Dreams shape shifting monsters.
Syphilinum: gruesome dream, crocodiles, Bees attacking
Hydrogen, Equisetum, Ars alb, Calc fluor: Dreams death of someone closeConclusion
Overall, homeopathy can be a valuable tool for parents looking to provide their children with safe, gentle, and effective relief from nightmares.
Sleep problems, including nightmares, indicate a disturbance and when solved can not only help with nightmares and sleep but also the child’s mental health.
The remedies above can be helpful but there are many other remedies and causes of sleep disturbances. The history of the child and the mother need to be taken into account to select the best remedy to correct the imbalance.
In conclusion, homeopathy has been found to be an effective treatment for nightmares in babies and toddlers. With its natural and safe approach, homeopathic remedies can help address the underlying causes of nightmares such as anxiety, restlessness, and fear.
If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.
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