Vitus agnus cactus, Chaste berry, Chaste tree, A Herb that Helps Fertility

Image reflecting Vitus Agnus cactus, Chaste tree, Chaste berry which is a Herb that Helps Fertility in Women.

Vitex agnus cactus, Chaste tree, Chaste berry

Vitex, a natural fertility treatment, has been used for centuries in various regions worldwide, including Greece and Italy. Traditionally, it was consumed as a tea, but nowadays, it's more commonly taken in capsule form or as an extract, often in combination with other beneficial herbs.

For some women facing difficulties with conception, a condition known as a luteal phase defect can be the culprit. This condition shortens the latter part of the menstrual cycle, often due to elevated prolactin levels and insufficient progesterone. Vitex, with its ability to reduce prolactin and balance estrogen and progesterone, can play a supportive role in promoting a regular menstrual cycle.

Moreover, research has shown that Vitex is effective in maintaining optimal progesterone levels. Low progesterone has been linked to infertility and an increased risk of miscarriage.

Chaste tree is used in the Fertility Programme to restore the after effects of the Oral Contraceptive pill which has stopped ovulation and/or caused Candida and poor mucous health and to regulate the menstrual cycle.If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.


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