Rescue Remedy can Alleviate Anxiety

Image Reflecting How the Bach Flowers in Rescue Remedy can alleviate Anxiety.

Rescue Remedy is an effective all-natural situational stress and anxiety reliever. To relieve a person’s fear and restore calm and confidence is of paramount importance to both present and future physical wellbeing.

Dr Bach formulated the composite remedy for use in emergencies. Dr Bach and many of his followers made it a practice to carry a small bottle of the Rescue Remedy with them at all times. Rescue Remedy can help enormously during an emergency before qualified help arrives.

This mixture is used for those moments when there is no time to make a proper individual selection of remedies. It has been used successfully on stressful days where we suffer from anxiety, impatience, tension and pressure. It has also been used successfully with children to calm a tantrum, and aid a person that is nervous for a speech or job interview. 

Rescue Remedy*helps us relax, get focused and get the needed calmness. 

Rescue Remedy is designed to help deal with immediate problems. If you are working through an underlying problem – or if you need rescuing every day – you will find a longer-term solution by selecting a combination of remedies from the 38 Bach Flower Remedy Set.*remed  

Rescue Remedy, an all-natural remedy created from flower essences, is an effective over-the-counter stress reliever without any of the known adverse side effects, including addiction.

Rescue Remedy contains five flower essences:

Rock Rose to alleviate terror and panic,

Impatiens for mental irritation and impatience,

Clematis for far away out of the body feelings and faintness,

Star of Bethlehem for shock,

Cherry Plum for desperation.

Available in a convenient spray bottle or in drop form, it helps to provide better emotional balance and fast, convenient relief from everyday stress. 

Rescue Remedy can support in times of emotional demand whether it’s a frustrating commute, approaching exams, a difficult day at the office, or the demands of a busy family life. Keep on top of your busy day with Rescue Remedy.

The Rescue Remedy dropper or spray combines the original flower essences (remedies) discovered by Dr Bach in the 1930’s to provide support in times of emotional demand. It is traditionally used to relieve feelings of mild anxiety, nervous tension, stress, agitation and provides a sense of focus and calm.

Simply add four drops to a drink of your choice or put four drops on your tongue as often as required.

Most people find that they feel a difference fairly soon after taking Rescue Remedy. The Rescue Remedy was formulated for emergency use and the effects are usually felt quite quickly.

Perfect to keep at home or in your purse, the Rescue Remedy Dropper or Spray provides support in times of anxiety and emotional demand.

Anxiety,Calm and Clear Essence, Calm Performer,To Calm Anxiety,To Calm Your Nerves, Rescue Remedy ,Anxiety Spray, Rescue Remedy ,Natural Stress Relief

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.


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