Arnica - For Blows and Bruises

Image reflecting Blows Shocks or bruises.

Remedy Spotlight for Arnica Montana.

Blows and Bruises

Arnica Montana is the most renowned Homeopathic remedy for all types of trauma.

It is effective in treating blows, injuries, falls, and bruises.

It is especially helpful in combating shock, whether physical or emotional, individuals underestimate the severity of their condition by reassuring themselves with statements like   "I am all right."

Muscular soreness, feels as if they have been severely beaten.

Restlessness, can’t find a comfortable position, they frequently change their position. They perceive their bed is too hard and uncomfortable.

Arnica montana can also be used for:

Speedy recovery post surgery including dental procedures

Labour and post delivery


Acute and Chronic Injuries

Arnica cream is not to be used on broken skin

Can also be used for gout, influenza and boils if symptoms agree

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.


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