Homeopathy for Anxiety in Children

Image reflecting a little girl clinging onto her mum with separation anxiety - Homeopathy can Help.

Homeopathy for Anxiety in Children

Homeopathic Remedies for Children's Anxiety when experiencing Change,  Separation Anxiety, Adjusting to Day Care and School and  New Experiences in Various Life Situations


Homeopathy serves as a valuable tool for addressing separation anxiety and anxiety in sensitive children who struggle to express their fears verbally. This blog explores the application of homeopathic remedies in dealing with anxiety, whether it be related to routine changes, starting school, or other emotional stressors.

This blog also  highlights the challenges faced by little ones adjusting to daycare and new caregivers. Homeopathy provides excellent support, rebalancing the mind and emotions.

Anxiety may surface in various aspects such as navigating the school building, academic performance, forming friendships, concerns about specific teachers or subjects, and the adjustment to being away from home without parents or guardians constantly present. Older children often fret about increased responsibilities, a more extensive timetable, keeping track of the correct books, and ensuring they have their sports kit. These factors contribute to a range of anxiety-inducing scenarios.

Addressing back-to-school anxiety becomes more manageable with the support of homeopathic remedies, alleviating both emotional and physical symptoms. The appropriate Homeopathic remedy can enable your child to approach the school start with excitement and enthusiasm, replacing fear and trepidation.

Recommended Suggestions:

Homeopathy for Children’s Anxiety:

When it comes to anxiety, homeopathy offers various remedies tailored to a child's specific behaviour. Consulting with a homeopath can help identify the most suitable remedy if you find it difficult to select a remedy for your child. It is sometimes hard to be objective when it comes to treating the ones you love.


Some common remedies include:

Pulsatilla: Unwilling to let go

    1. Number one for separation anxiety. Children unwilling to "let go," exhibiting sensitivity and responding well to reassurance and hugs

    2. It is an excellent remedy for transitional stages and can help the child better manage times of significant change. It suits children who are weepy, timid, shy and clingy and helps them adjust to change, separate from mum and gain confidence and independence.

    3. It can also be helpful for mums who have trouble letting go of their little ones into the big world.

Baryta Carb

  •        Baryta carb is also clingy and tends to hide behind mum’s skirt.

Arsenicum Album: needing control

    1. Suitable for children displaying real fear, especially when separated, often coping by being controlling or critical.

    2. Anxiety may worsen at night.

      • Anxious , Fearful and Fussy.

  • Children experiencing anxiety and nervousness tend to manifest a strong desire for control over themselves and their surroundings.

  • They exhibit fastidiousness, restlessness, and fidgetiness.

  • Prior to the start of school, older children display meticulous organisation, packing their bags, laying out uniforms and shoes, and labelling books and folders to ensure everything remains within their control.

  • In addition to their need for control, these children often harbour marked insecurity and health-related worries, sometimes feigning illness as a reason to avoid school.

  • The accumulated worry leads to exhaustion, exacerbated by night-time awakenings with anxiety, especially around midnight. This distress can be alleviated with comforting measures like warm drinks, blankets, and baths.

Calc Carb:

    1. Ideal for children who thrive on routine and struggle with changes. Anxiety may manifest as stubbornness, and they are generally solid and dependable.

    2. Quiet slow and plodding         

    3. Fears include the dark and monsters and they can be  prone to nightmares.


        1. Useful for children dealing with recent bereavement, emotional upsets, and mood swings. It aids in processing and releasing emotions.

      •   Can be helpful for homesickness, sadness and emotional upsets.

      • It’s especially useful if friends have moved to another school during the holidays.

Natrum Muriaticum:

    1. Effective for reserved and independent children who become emotionally closed off when separated.

    2. They may exhibit social anxiety and self-protective shyness.

Anxiety: Change and New Experiences:

This section delves into specific remedies for children facing anticipatory anxiety during times of change.


See above


  • settles excitable fearful behaviour in open impressionable children who are easily swept up in the excitement of any new experience.

  • They are easily exhausted and can be prone to headaches and diarrhoea.


  • for a quiet, withdrawn child who anticipates even the simplest task with nervousness and worry.

  • • Gelsemium is recommended for uncertainty.

  • a great help if there is fear, dread and trembling.


  • For more active anxiety with extreme fear and restlessness.


  • •suffers low confidence and is easily overwhelmed by expectations. There is a tendency to be well behaved at school but can be quite bossy at home or when in their comfort zone.

  • They crave sweet food and are quite exhausted at the end of the school day

Calc phos

  • Whiny and discontented

  • Easy exhaustion

  • can be helpful when children are growing quickly and have the typical tummy aches, headaches, enlarged glands and growing pains,


  •   Suits quiet children who are capable but nervous and shy.

Argentum Nitricum

  • Lots of fears and anxieties:

  •   fear or anxiety and restlessness with the anxiety,.

  • They tend to talk fast or need to walk or do something to manage their fear.

  • A person needing Arg Nit often craves sweets and has diarrhoea with the anxiety.

Kali phos

  • For acute anxiety

  • For timid, shy, and fearful, suffering from social anxiety, intimidated by crowds, prone to panic attacks, or worried about performance

  • Kali phos can be given as a Schuessler cell salt 3-6 x daily to calm your childs nervous system.

Bach Flower Remedies:

Bach flowers like Walnut, Mimulus, Aspen, Chicory and Rescue Remedy can help your child and their parents when supporting children through changes.


In summary, this post shows the significance of homeopathic remedies in offering personalised support for children dealing with diverse forms of anxiety, thereby aiding a more seamless transition during difficult periods.

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.

If these suggestions don't work, please schedule an appointment, and I'll assist you. These suggestion only show a limited range of potential remedies.



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