Homeopathy for Gastroenteritis and Stomach Bugs

Image reflecting a little boy sick with a stomach bug- Homeopathy can Help.

Gastroenteritis and Stomach Bugs


When treating gastroenteritis, preventing dehydration is paramount, starting at home with an oral rehydration solution which is readily available. Use clean or boiled water. Reduce infection risk by frequent hand-washing, disinfecting surfaces promptly, and avoiding contaminated food or water.

Diarrhea and vomiting, gastroenteritis or stomach flu can be caused by a number of different viruses and bacteria.

Both children and adults are affected by Noroviruses, and Rotavirus is the most common cause in children worldwide. The Rotavirus is most severe in infants and young children.

Homeopathic Remedies are very useful in addressing gastroenteritis and stomach bugs that causes diarrhoea and vomiting. 

Recommended Suggestions

Homeopathic first aid

In addition to oral rehydration therapy, it is recommended to start  homeopathic treatment  immediately:


This homeopathic medicine is very helpful in treating gastroenteritis and can easily abort an attack if used early.

A dose of 30c potency can be used every half an hour till relief starts.

Arsenic Album is useful when there are symptoms like vomiting, restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water and extreme weakness.

Great anxiety and restlessness with the nausea, doesn’t want to be alone 

Better heat, warm drinks , Very chilly  

Worse between 1-3am

Vomiting & diarrhea at the same time

Stool can be burning, acidic, yellow, very offensive

Vomiting immediately after drinking smallest amount  

Veratrum album

In an acute situation where the discharges like vomiting or diarrhoea are very profuse and associated with deathly pallor on the face.

Cold perspiration on forehead with diarrhoea and vomiting

Huge thirst for cold water

Craving for sour things

Burping after eating and heartburn

Diarrhoea worse from motion

Involuntary stool on passing gas  

Violent, forceful vomiting with equally forceful, gushing diarrhea

Acidic diarrhoea  


Vomiting is excessive and nausea is not relieved by vomiting.

Severe unrelenting nausea

Nausea with lots of  salivation

Faintness after vomiting

Waves of vomiting

May be caused by excessive eating

Pains in abdomen

Lots of gas

Green stool


 Involuntary stool on passing wind

Diarrhoea (worse 5-6am) with gurgling before stool and lots of gas

Jelly-like mucus in stool.

Cutting pains and pulsations around navel- worse after stool  Abdomen is heavy & full, hot & bloated  

Spastic colitis where pain extends over body

Often comes with nausea and headache

Better for COLD applications.


Vomiting of undigested food

Yellowish, frothy, loose stool followed by weakness

Distension of abdomen with flatulence,

Flatulent colic and rumbling in the stomach pit

Slow digestion

Hungry and longing for food which stays undigested


Belching of bitter fluid with no relief

Worse eating fruit

Internal coldness of stomach & abdomen

Nux vomica

Irritable mood

Great anxiety accompanies the nausea

Chilly, even with a fever

Has repeated urges to vomit, pass stool but cannot 

Lots of retching 

Hypersensitivity to noise, light, odors, being questioned

Spasmodic, cramping pains

Complaints worse in the morning in bed on on waking  


Afraid to be alone, of the dark.

Wants and better from cold drinks 

Better from sleeping or taking a nap

Vomiting 15-20 minutes after drinking even a small amount.

Has an appetite with the fever.

Watery, greenish, mucousy diarrhoea  

Burning pains eg. throat , intestines or rectum


Painless diarrhea  

Forceful, gushing stool which shoots out  

Frothy, fermented stool 

Yellow stool with pieces of food (lienteric)

Great weakness after diarrhoea  


Weepy, clingy with despair

Craves and feels generally better from fresh air, esp nausea

Feels better from reassurance, company

Not thirsty, even with the fever  

Nausea (and generally) worse heat, warm drinks, better cold 

Worse evening


Foul-smelling diarrhea (possibly like rotten eggs)

Diarrhea gets patient out of bed in the morning, esp 5am, waking with urging 

Thirsty for cold drinks  

Feeling overly warm and wanting to uncover 

Red lips or ears (more in children) 

Involuntary stool on passing gas (compare Aloe)

Nausea worse from bad odors

Standing aggravates most complaints

When to get help

Seek medical assistance  or go to the hospital promptly if the patient experiences severe electrolyte imbalance due to excessive discharges and begins to suffer from cramps.


In summary, this post shows the significance of homeopathic remedies in offering personalised support for children dealing with gastroenteritis and stomach bugs.

If these suggestions don't work, please schedule an appointment, and I'll assist you. These suggestion only show a limited range of potential remedies.



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