Homeopathy for Teething- A Comprehensive Guide

Image of the Tooth Fairy using Homeopathy to ease painful Teething symptoms.

Comprehensive Guide to Homeopathic Teething Remedies


Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents, with discomfort, irritability, and restless nights. Homeopathy offers a range of remedies to help ease the pain and discomfort associated with teething. Here's a comprehensive guide to various homeopathic teething remedies that can provide relief for your little one.

Recommended Suggestions


  • Key Points: Sudden onset, can pass quickly.

  • Symptoms: Heat, redness of gums with painful swelling, intense pain. Cheeks red, dry, and burning hot. May have fever but not thirsty. Over-sensitive.

  • Worse: 3pm, 11pm, after midnight, jarring, touch.

  • Better: Biting on something.

Chamomilla (Most Popular Teething Remedy)- Sometimes called the Tooth Fairy!

  • Key Points: Pain out of proportion and angry about it.

  • Symptoms: Hypersensitivity to pain with anger/irritability. Nothing pleases them, inconsolable. One red cheek, one pale cheek. Diarrhea with green stools, possibly smelling like eggs. Thirsty for cold drinks.

  • Worse: Being touched, looked at, 9am/9pm, nighttime.

  • Better: Being carried, walked up and down, cold drinks, cold application.

Magnesia Phosphorica

  • Key Points: Oversensitive but better for warmth and hard pressure.

  • Symptoms: Similar to Chamomilla in sensitivity to pain. Restless, nervous, crying. Hate being touched. Thirsty for cold drinks.

  • Worse: Cold water, night, light touch, motion, cold air.

  • Better: Hard pressure (rubbing gums), warmth.

Calcarea Carbonica

  • Key Points: Slow or delayed dentition.

  • Symptoms: Shy, reserved but play independently. Chubby and mild-tempered. Night sweats, nightmares/night terrors. Big appetite, thirsty for cold drinks. Sour-smelling diarrhea and perspiration.

  • Worse: Open cold air, milk, hot food.

  • Better: Cold drinks.


  • Key Points: The Limpet - must be carried and bland yellowish-green nasal discharge.

  • Symptoms: Clingy, whiny, wants to be held. Thirstless. Teething accompanied by nasal discharge, painful earaches, or conjunctivitis with thick yellow discharge.

  • Worse: Stuffy warm rooms, after sunset, heat of the bed.

  • Better: Open air, cold applications, slow gentle walking, being carried and consoled.


  • Key Points: Over sensitive to pain with irresistible desire to bite down on something hard.

  • Symptoms: Irritable, restless, great anxiety/fearfulness. Face pale, possibly yellowish tinge. Intense thirst for cold drinks. Excessive drooling, vomiting during teething.

  • Better: Warmth, dry weather, biting on something hard.

  • Worse: Damp cold weather, cold night, movement, hot food/drinks.

Additional Insights

  • Cina: For managing irritability in teething children who may be agitated, scream, bite, and strike others.

  • Merc Sol: Used when gums become swollen and tender, with excessive drooling. Gums are red, swollen, and painful.

  • Podophyllum Peltatum: Helpful for teething with watery, foul-smelling diarrhea, possibly with mucus.

  • Coffea Cruda: Useful for excitable children having trouble sleeping due to teething pain. Holding something cold on the gums can bring relief.

  • Ignatia: Indicated for highly emotional, upset, or sad children during teething. Sleep may be light and restless.

  • Kreosotum: Used when teething causes severe discomfort, irritating saliva, and teeth decay soon after emerging.

  • Silicea: Supports growth and calcium metabolism, especially for children with slow and difficult teething.

  • Sulphur: Indicated when reddish irritation or rash develops during teething, accompanied by irritability and anxiety.

Remember, the right remedy depends on the individual child's symptoms. Consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice.


These homeopathic teething remedies can be a source of relief for your teething baby, addressing their specific symptoms and needs. Consult with a homeopathic practitioner for personalised advise. Homeopathy offers a gentle and natural approach to alleviate teething-related symptoms and provide comfort for your little one.

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.



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