Homeopathy for Worms

Image of Cina Maritime-Wormwood which is a homeopathic remedy used to treat worms.

Homeopathic Worm Treatment Guidelines:


  • Worm Infestations and Homeopathic Solutions:

    • Common among children (pinworms(threadworms), roundworm, tapeworm, hookworm).

    • Homeopathic medicines offer a natural, safe approach for children.

Symptoms of Worm Infestation:

    • Anal and vaginal itching, irritability, sleep disturbances, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased hunger, teeth grinding, anemia, weight loss, seizures, cough, wheezing, breathing difficulties.

Remedy Administration:

    • Give remedies in 30c potency.

    • Administer three times daily for a week.

Repeat Treatment:

    • Repeat the remedy if symptoms persist or return.

Preventative Measures:

    • Consider treating other children preventatively.

    • Worms easily spread within households.

Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment:

    • If worms persist, consider constitutional homeopathic treatment for your child.

    • Tailored remedies may be needed.

Self-Help Measures for Worm Prevention:

  • Hygiene Practices:

      • Wash hands thoroughly:

      • After using the toilet.

      • After touching pets.

      • Always before eating.

  • Nail Care:

    • Keep fingernails short.

    • Occasionally scrub nails.

  • Clothing Choices:

    • Prefer pyjamas over nightdresses to discourage scratching.

    • Change pyjamas frequently.

    • Each child should have their own towel.

  • Nighttime Application:

      • Apply Vaseline to the anus at night:

      • Discourages worm egg laying.

  • Pet Care:

    • Worm pets regularly.

  • Dietary Adjustments:

      • Reduce sugar intake:

      • Worms thrive on sugar.

    • Encourage raw fruits and vegetables.

    • Consider the benefits of raw garlic.

Homeopathic Medicines for Worms:

    • Safe, reliable, and non-toxic.

    • Strengthen body's immune response.

    • Promote overall well-being.

Remedy Suggestions

Top Recommendations for Worms

    • Cina, Teucrium, and Spigelia.

    • Cina for excessive hunger, irritability, teeth grinding, and nose-picking.

    • Teucrium for anal itching.

    • Spigelia for pain around the umbilical region.

Point 1 - Teucrium and Cina – Targeting Anal or Vaginal Itching:

    • Teucrium for evening or bedtime itching with a crawling sensation.

    • Cina for anal itching with teeth grinding.

    • Caladium for worms causing vaginal itching.

Point 2 - Cina, Santoninum, and Merc Sol – Addressing Teeth Grinding:

    • Cina and Santoninum for night-time teeth grinding.

    • Merc Sol for teeth grinding with excessive salivation.

Point 3 - Cina and Spigelia – Alleviating Abdominal Pain:

    • Cina for cramping, pinching, cutting colic alleviated by pressure.

    • Spigelia for colicky, pinching pains around the umbilical region, possibly with nausea.

Point 4 - Cina and Natrum Mur – Mitigating Excessive Hunger:

    • Cina and Natrum Mur for insatiable hunger renewed after eating, without gaining weight.

Point 5 - Cina and Abrotanum – Easing Irritability in Children:

    • Cina for extreme irritability with teeth grinding.

    • Abrotanum for irritable children with marked emaciation.


Constitutional Homeopathic Treatment:

    • If worms persist, consider constitutional homeopathic treatment for your child.

    • Tailored remedies may be needed.

    • If these suggestions don't work, please schedule an appointment, and I'll assist you. These suggestion only show a limited range of potential remedies.



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