How do Bach Flowers work?

Image Reflecting how Bach Flowers can work?

How do Bach Flowers work?

Bach Flowers Remedies heal with the pure energies of the natural world. By using the energy from a particular flower whose properties are exactly aligned to a particular condition, we have a concentration of healing power that can actually bring about a change within us so that hatred may become love, despair can become faith, indifference may become purposeful and the exhausted may find strength.

In Dr Bach’s book, Heal Thyself, he states that there are certain fundamental truths that have to be acknowledged if we are to understand the nature of disease:

  1. Our soul, which is the real self is our guide and protector, the watcher, who leads us always for our utmost advantage.

  2. Our personality is down here to gain experience and knowledge so we can develop our virtues and eradicate  anything that does not help us.

  3. Our life is a small part of our evolution, a day in the endless time of eternity.

  4. When our soul and our personality are in harmony, we live in peace, happiness, joy and health. When we stray off this path, conflict arises.

  5. All things are unified with love.

  6. Disease occurs when there is disunity, a conflict between our soul and our personality.

Dr Bach says the physical body is animated and controlled by the soul which acts through the psychological body with thoughts, feelings and emotions that together make up the pattern of our personality.

It is possible for a person to change his physical condition by changing the psychological patterning of his life. When a person frees himself from constant fear it has a very real and observable effect upon the physical body. The Bach remedies can be instrumental in bringing about this change.

The pure plants and flowers in Bach Flower remedies antidote a psychological pattern with an opposite wave energy. The Bach Flowers dissolve the distortion and allow free passage of clear energy to flow through the body.

If you ask yourself “Why do I have this condition?”

Dr Bach wants you to see the link between our psychological state and our physical complaint.

By recognising the situation we are able to work with the Bach Flower and hasten the change within ourself. It is not an imperative part of the treatment, however. 

The Bach Flower Remedies have been used with proven success in the treatment of children, animals and plants. Self awareness is not a pre condition for a cure.

If we want to return to health, we must expect to change. Sometimes there is an unwillingness to to acknowledge a psychological imbalance - we insist the imbalance is purely physical and do not want anything that will tamper with the personality.

As it is said, you can take a horse to water but you cant make it drink- nothing can be done if you don’t take the medicine. As with all forms of healing it is important that the patient should want to improve their condition.

Heal Thyself, Harmony with the Soul, Dr Edward Bach, Cure Disease, Cause of Disease,

If you have more questions please book a free 15 minute chat with me through my website.


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