Keywords for the Five Bach Flowers in Rescue Remedy

Image reflecting the keywords for the remedies used in Rescue Remedy.

Keywords for the Five Bach Flowers Remedies in Rescue Remedy.

Rescue Remedy Keywords

Clematis -The Dreamer

Helps get a grasp on reality.

Cherry Plum - Giving way, Losing it

Boosts courage with the ability to relax.

Impatiens - Patience

Helps brings tolerance towards others.

Rock Rose - Bravery

Brings courage to face life again.

Star of Bethlehem - New Vitality

Soothes after shock and Trauma

Anxiety,Calm and Clear Essence, Calm Performer, To Calm Anxiety, To Calm Your Nerves, Rescue Remedy, Natural Stress Relief ,Key words,Rescue Remedy- Key WordsThe Dreamer, Giving Way, Losing it, Patience, Bravery, New Vitality, Shock,

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A whole new world unfolds when we understand Homeopathy and Herbs”


How do Bach Flowers work?


What Bach Flowers are in Rescue Remedy?