
Homeopathy Blog

Practical tips for bringing holistic medicine into your life

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Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell

Homeopathy, Herbs and Schuessler Cell salts for Hay Fever

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) occurs when the immune system responds to inhaled allergens, causing inflammation.

Her we describe herbs, homeopathic remedies and Cell salts to help alleviate Hay Fever.

We study: Hay Fever occurring during the Spring Season, occurring Annually, for prevention, in asthmatics, with running Nose,  with sneezing, with nasal blockage, with itching and accompanied by eye symptoms:

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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Calendula - for Cuts and lacerations-Homeopathy

Calendula officinalis for Cuts and Lacerations.

Heals wounds quickly and successfully. . Reduces pain in a wound Helps prevent infection Post Surgery Post dental extraction- mouth wash Heals ruptured ear drums Helps soothe the eyes after injury or foreign objects Helps to heal ulcerations of the skin Is the number one remedy if a muscle is actually torn as opposed to strained. soothes burns

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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Arsenic album- Remedy Spotlight (Homeopathic) for Baby and Toddler.

Remedy Spotlight for:

The symptoms of a person or child needing Arsenic album(Ars alb) is:

Diarrhoea, vomiting, weakness

Weakness, runny nose and wheezing

Skin complaints, psoriasis, flaky scalp and dry eczema

Great exhaustion after the slightest exertion

Burning Pains

Better for heat , head elevated and warm drinks, drinks often in small sips.

Worse at night, seaside complaints

Fear death, being left alone, restless ,worry and fright, neat, organised.

Changes beds or people to cuddle often

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Enhancing Fertility, Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Enhancing Fertility, Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

The Australian Bush Essences She Oak and Flannel Flower can help Woman Emotionally with their Fertility.

The Australian Bush Essences She Oak and Flannel Flower can help

Woman Emotionally with their Fertility.

She Oak can help women to feel emotionally open to conceive.

She Oak can overcome emotional imbalances and bringing about a sense of well-being in females. It can benefit women who feel uncomfortable about infertility and also to feel emotionally open to conceive.

Flannel Flower to help remove karmic patterns hindering conception.

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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur)- Remedy Spotlight (Homeopathic) for Baby and Toddler.

Remedy Spotlight for Natrum muriaticum.

The symptoms of a person or child needing Natrum mur is:

Child irritable-gets into a passion about trifles.

Children-slow in learning to walk

Ailments from grief and fright

Hay-fever, headaches, cold sores, headaches, sleeplessness,

grief ,back pain, eczema

Thin but eats well

Desires salt

Can feel better by the sea

The Natrum in Nat mur is about feeling alone, sensitive, closed, restricted, denial and holding on to sadness.

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General homeopathy Rhonda e Campbell General homeopathy Rhonda e Campbell

When do you need to consult a Homeopath for Acute and Chronic conditions?


It is wise to consult a Homeopath if an acute remedy does not completely cure a recurring condition.


It is wise to consult a Homeopath if you have a chronic condition.

Chronic conditions come on slowly, persist for a long time (usually more than 6 months) and can potentially worsen over time.

A homeopathic plan would be outlined and followed up to help you to progress to better health .

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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Stramonium- Remedy Spotlight (Homeopathic) for Baby and Toddler.

Remedy Spotlight for:

Stramonium datura

A person or chid who needs Stramonium feels helpless and alone with an impression of danger.

Feels alone in the wilderness.

Stramonium helps if your child awakes terrified, cannot recognise who is around and clings to whoever is there.

Fear dark, running water, narrow places, cannot bear to be alone

Ailments from shock fright, fear and violence

Nightmares and night terrors

Desires light and company

Jerks, eyes twitching and blinking, eyes wide open, prominent brilliant pupils widely dilated



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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Gelsemium- Remedy Spotlight (Homeopathic) for Baby and Toddler

Gelsemium- Homeopathic remedy Spotlight for a nervous hysterical and anxious baby or toddler

Nervous hysterical temperament, Anxiety from anticipation

Tremors and twitches in eyelids and extremities

Quivering chin during convulsions

Teething in children who seem frightened

Fear falling and desire to cling(like Pulsatilla) to everyone in fear, anger, excitement and anger

Remitting fever that gradually develops to a congestive condition

Sudden loss of hearing in ear congestion

Flue like symptoms with chills, sore throat and dry, croupy or spasmodic cough.

Heavy eyelids and drowsiness


Diarrhoea from anxiety

Aggravated by damp weather and thunderstorm, exciting or bad news,

Ameliorated by profuse urination and sweating

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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Testimonial for Baby’s Eczema and Panting Cough using Homeopathy

Testimonial for a Baby with Eczema and a Panting Cough

My baby had eczema after I started her on baby formula.

Her face was red and chapped and she had cracks on her ankles and feet. I was using cortisone on her skin. She later developed a panting asthmatic rattling cough, conjunctivitis and her thumb was red raw from sucking it.

The best remedy was Ant tart and her symptoms improved.

Her eczema flared up again but then got better, Two months later she has no symptoms and is happy, friendly and sociable.

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Conditions and Complaints, Popular Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints, Popular Rhonda e Campbell

Molluscum contagiosum improves with Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies for Molluscum Contagiosa  are  selected based on a detailed study and analysis of symptoms for each case.

Molluscum contagiosum, also known as water warts, is a virus-induced skin infection that results in small, raised pink bumps with a central dimple that can be sore or itchy. Although these lesions can develop anywhere on the body, they are most commonly found on the arms, legs, abdomen, neck, genital area, and face. The molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) spreads through direct contact or contaminated objects, and individuals with immunodeficiency or atopic dermatitis have an increased risk of infection. Diagnosis is typically made based on the appearance of the bumps, and they generally resolve within one year without leaving scars.

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Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell

Homeopathy for Acid Reflux and Colic

Acid Reflux and Colic

Fortunately, Homeopathy offers a gentle and natural method of addressing these issues, without any harmful side effects. This blog will delve into ways in which homeopathy can help to manage acid reflux and colic in babies and toddlers.

Homoeopathic remedies have been used to alleviate symptoms associated with reflux and colic for many years.

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Conditions and Complaints, Popular Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints, Popular Rhonda e Campbell

Homeopathy for Constipation in Babies and Toddlers

Homeopathic remedies help constipation in babies and toddlers. These remedies provide natural relief and help regulate the bowel movements while also softening the stool. They also manage pain, bleeding and anal fissures associated with hard stools.Homeopathic remedies are safe to use in children of all ages. The selection of the most appropriate remedy is chosen by carefully studying the baby or toddler’s symptoms.

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Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell

Gelsemium for Anxiety and Stress Related Symptoms

Gelsemium, the homeopathic remedy derived from the yellow jasmine plant, is a popular Homeopathic remedy for anxiety and stress-related symptoms. It has a range of physical benefits too, including the ability to ease flu-like symptoms and trembling. It relaxes the muscles and nerves, reducing anxiety and tension in the body, and is often used to treat symptoms of nervousness, panic attacks and stage fright.

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General homeopathy Rhonda e Campbell General homeopathy Rhonda e Campbell

A Whole New World Unfolds When We Understand Homeopathy.

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that has been practiced for over 200 years and has been gaining widespread recognition and acceptance in recent times. It is based on the principle of "like cures like", which states that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can cure those same symptoms in a sick person when given in highly diluted forms. Homeopathy treats each patient as an individual, taking into account their entire health history and current symptoms to the most appropriate remedies for their condition. Despite its long history, many people are still skeptical about homeopathy and often dismiss it as nothing more than "water pills." However, it's time for people to understand just how transformative homeopathy can be.

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Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell

Appetite in Babies and Toddlers Improve with Homeopathy

Appetite is an essential part of a child's growth and development. A lack of appetite could lead to malnutrition, and this is where homeopathy comes into play. Homeopathy is a safe, natural therapy that has been used for centuries to treat various ailments in children, including improving their appetite. In this article, we will explore how homeopathy can help improve the appetite of babies and toddlers by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. The remedies are extremely gentle and do not pose any risk of side effects.

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Conditions and Complaints, Popular Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints, Popular Rhonda e Campbell

Homeopathy for Eczema in Babies and Toddlers

Eczema is a common skin condition in babies and toddlers, characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. It can be distressing for babies and worrying for parents, who want to find the most effective treatment. Homeopathy is a natural and gentle approach to treating eczema in babies and toddlers. It works by stimulating the body's innate healing abilities and strengthening the immune system. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and are safe to use for babies and toddlers.

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