
Homeopathy Blog

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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Hamamelis Virginica- Bruises due to damaged blood vessels

Hamamelis Virginica Spotlight

Hamamelis Virginica for Bruises due to damaged blood vessels.

Bruises- Black Blue or purple skin discolouration from damage of the blood vessels under the skin

Black eye

The Pain of Burns

Top remedy for profuse nose bleeds attended with tightness at the bridge of nose and dark blood.

Chillblains blue in colourBleeding from gums after tooth extraction

Soreness and pain of gums with dark-colored bleeding

Burns on the tongue and lips

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Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell

Focus on Syphillinum: A Miasmatic Remedy in the Fertility Program for Recurrent Miscarriages.

Focus on Syphillinum: A Miasmatic Remedy in the Fertility Program for Recurrent Miscarriages.

Syphillinum, a remedy with significant applications in the Fertility Program, addresses various aspects of the mind and emotions.

Mind Symptoms:

Persistent need for double or multiple checks, indicative of an underlying anxiety.

Fear of incurability, particularly relevant in the context of fertility, where it translates to a deep-seated fear of never being able to conceive due to perceived irreparable damage.

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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Arnica - For Blows and Bruises

Remedy Spotlight for Arnica Montana.

Blows and Bruises,

Homeopathic remedy for all types of trauma.

It is for blows, injuries, falls, and bruises and shock.

individuals underestimate their condition by reassuring themselves with statements like ,   "I am all right."

Muscular soreness, feels as if they have been severely beaten.

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Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell

Bach Flowers For Those Who have Fear

Bach Flowers For Those who have Fear

Although there are thousands of variations in physical illness the psychological causes are relatively few. The Bach Remedies recognise 38 conditions each specifically aligned to one of the states that generate ‘disease’ within the psyche. They are classified under 7 heading:

For Fear

For Uncertainty

For insufficient Interest in Present Circumstances

For Loneliness

For those Oversensitive to Influences and Ideas

For Despondency and Despair

For Over-care for the Welfare of Others

In this blog we will explain the Bach flower Remedies For Fear:

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Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell

Homeopathy for Worms

Addressing Worm Infestations with Homeopathic Solutions

Worm infestations commonly afflict children, manifesting as pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis), roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), tapeworm, and hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale). Embracing homeopathic medicines for worms offers a natural and safe approach, particularly suitable for children.

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Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints Rhonda e Campbell

Homeopathy for Sinus Congestion

Advantages of Homeopathic Treatment for Sinus Congestion:

Homeopathic treatment is recommended for both children and adults, offering natural and safe remedies that address the underlying causes of sinus congestion. Homeopathic medicines help prevent recurring episodes without causing side effects or dullness, instead stimulating the body's immune system to restore health.

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Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell

Folliculinum- A Remedy used regularly in the Fertility Programme.

Folliculinum is one of homeopathic remedies used regularly in the Fertility programme.

Gina Inez says it is for “oestrogen gone awry “(amiss).

Folliculinum stimulates ovulation, it is a homoeopathic natural oestrogen.

The signs and symptoms of diminished oestrogen equate to what one would expect to see in a premenopausal woman .

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Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell

How do Bach Flowers work?

How do Bach Flowers work?

Bach Flowers Remedies heal with the pure energies of the natural world. By using the energy from a particular flower whose properties are exactly aligned to a particular condition, we have a concentration of healing power that can actually bring about a change within us so that hatred may become love, despair can become faith, indifference may become purposeful and the exhausted may find strength.

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Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell

Keywords for the Five Bach Flowers in Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy Keywords

Clematis -The Dreamer

Helps get a grasp on reality.

Cherry Plum - Giving way, Losing it

Boosts courage with the ability to relax.

Impatiens - Patience

Helps brings tolerance towards others.

Rock Rose - Bravery

Brings courage to face life again.

Star of Bethlehem - New Vitality

Soothes after shock and Trauma

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Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell

What Bach Flowers are in Rescue Remedy?

What are the Five Flowers in Rescue Remedy?

RESCUE REMEDY is most important combination remedy and was named by Dr Bach as Rescue Remedy. It consists of Cherry Plum for loss of control, Clematis for unconsciousness, Impatiens for stress, Rock Rose for terror and Star of Bethlehem for shock.

in this blog there is a detailed description of how the 5 flowers in Rescue Remedy are chosen for prescribing.

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Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell

Tribulus terrestris, a Herb to improve Fertility in men and women

Tribulus terrestris is a herb that mproves fertility in both men and women and enhances sexual function.

For men, Tribulus plays a vital role in stimulating the testes to produce testosterone.

In combination with Andrographis, tribulus aids in improving sperm motility.

For women, tribulus directly targets luteal phase defect.

it helps promote fertility and reproductive health in women.

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Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell Bach Flowers Rhonda e Campbell

Rescue Remedy can Alleviate Anxiety

Rescue Remedy can Alleviate Anxiety

Rescue Remedy is an effective all-natural situational stress and anxiety reliever. To relieve a person’s fear and restore calm and confidence is of paramount importance to both present and future physical wellbeing.

Dr Bach formulated the composite remedy for use in emergencies. Dr Bach and many of his followers made it a practice to carry a small bottle of the Rescue Remedy with them at all times. Rescue Remedy can help enormously during an emergency before qualified help arrives.

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Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell

Vitus agnus cactus, Chaste berry, Chaste tree, A Herb that Helps Fertility

Vitus agnus cactus or Chaste tree, Chaste berry

Vitus agnus cactus or Chaste berry

Normalises the female sex hormones

Improves progesterone deficiency - progesterogenic

Ovulatory stimulant

Galactagogue- promotes the production or flow of great milk

Helps with the luteal phase

Helps Fertility

Restores the after effects of the Oral Contraceptive Pill

Menstrual irregularities, painful menstruation, amenorrhoea, painful ovulation,

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Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell Remedy Spotlights Rhonda e Campbell

Hypericum- for injuries to Nerves

Remedy Spotlight for Hypericum perforatum -For Injury to Nerves Injuries to the body rich in nerves - eg fingers and spine Injuries to coccyx, Specific for whiplash Shooting sharp radiating pains Crushed Fingers lacerated in a door or with a hammer. Severe neuralgia after amputations For head or spine Injuries - It is a very important remedy.

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Conditions and Complaints, Popular Rhonda e Campbell Conditions and Complaints, Popular Rhonda e Campbell

Homeopathy for Sore Throats

Homeopathy for Sore Throats

Homeopathy, a holistic approach to healing, employs an  assessment of symptoms to provide effective relief for sore throats.. By taking the individualised symptoms into account homeopathy offers remedies that stimulate the body's innate healing mechanisms. This personalized approach not only addresses the immediate discomfort of a sore throat but also aims to restore overall well-being, promoting a balanced and harmonious state of health.

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Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell Enhancing Fertility Rhonda e Campbell

Foods to Enhance Sperm Health

Foods to Enhance Sperm Health.

Sperm plays a vital role in achieving pregnancy. When sperm count is below 15 million per milliliter of semen, it is considered low, reducing the likelihood of successful fertilization. A typical sperm count ranges from 15 million to over 200 million, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices in supporting male fertility.

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